Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My first semester friends

Hey everyone I'm back! No I'm not dead if you are wondering,I'm just busy for the past few weeks with school and exams. Anyways,it has been one semester down! By the count of it,we only have around 5 more semesters! Well,lets have a review on the monsters I have made friends with :)
Let's start alphabetically

Charlotte: Charlotte is known as one of the elder sisters in the clique.  She is actually a nice and an awesome friend. Charlotte or char for short is a very strong person,really respect for her,she seems alright butat times,deep inside,she is hurt. I just hope that everything is alright with her. So char,if you have any sadness,do tell us and we are all there to cheer you up! Besides that,Char loves audition and is very abusive to me at times :(. BUT whatever! I take it like a man! HAHA! All in all,a wonderful friend to be with.

Danish: next is my one and only brother from the clique,DANISH THE BOY BOY! We all call him cookies because you know Danish cookies,so cookies,get it? :) So...yeah,what can i say,Danish and me are like brothers from another mother,we have so much in common,like Music,SEXY LADIES,Soccer etc. Just that one thing contradicting is our judgements on the IPhone and Android BUT what the heck! Haha! Seriously a great friend and a brother :) just that sometimes his lame jokes
Always pisses me abit haha!

Sarah: In this clique,Sarah is a strong willed person and really sticks to her principle. Well,I guess that's just her being a tauras( I think I spelled correctly) Sarah is also one of the most craziest marvel fan I have seen,HAHA! If you ever give her Marvel Exam,she will definitely pass with flying colors! Besides that,during this first semester,Sarah and I did not really get along really well,I really hope that all this would be put behind us and let's get along again :) You are a nice person and an honest person. Sarah is also VERY thrifty,so,any guys who likes a saving money girl,HERE IS SARAH! :D A great friend nonetheless

Samantha: Next is Samantha. Samantha is a really Funny girl and she loves panda ALOT! If there are ever a panda zoo in Singapore,she would bug Howard and us to go to the zoo,HAHA! Sam is another one who is sensible in the clique and can be silly at times for no apparent reason. That's what makes her sam. So,yeah! Another great friend who likes to cheer people up and makes us smile with her silliness

Vivienne: Vivienne CHONG CHING CHONG! HAHA! Is one of the most blur person in the group despite her being the eldest. Her innocence always makes me laugh because she is cute when she is blur. Vivienne a.k.a SEXY ELMO MONSTER can be scary at times. It is like unleashing the KRAKEN! HAHAHAHA! Just kidding! She also loves hello kitty ,don't know why,anyways,really great to have such a blur,err...I mean awesome friend.

So,well,there you have it folks,the friends I made in this semester. I'm sure all of us have our ups and our downs,but,since, now we are much closer,let's all try to learn to forgive each other and have more fun! Because we are all a family :) THANKS for making my semester wonderful u all! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012


HEY YO! Been really lazy to blog for a long time. The semester of school just ended like a few days already. However, it is not really the "holidays". Well...we got a study break for a week and exam is going to be next week, so i guess i needa be studying. Am tired, but got to persevere, alright so BYE!