Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday Blues

Its Monday again! Anyways today was the morning ate some cornflakes before going to school, met up with my awesome clique of friends and then we headed to school. Later after we went to school, first lesson was Marketing and i had to do presentation. I think i did okay. Then was break where we ate with Justina and group. Soon, it was BPS and Sarah and Danish got to present. And then the 3 hours break i was just slacking around with Danish and friends. Anyways bla bla bla,had dinner with Farihin and they all at mac. Bought a Doublecheese burger. HAHA Danish Sorry! Anyways after that, while on the way home, i decided to head down to Plaza Sing to meet up with Char and Vi to see if they need help in guitar. Ended up they wanted to go to Thomson Plaza. Sighs...i was in Plaza sing like for 15 minutes ONLY! But..when we reach Toa Payoh, i left them because i had an appointment tmr early and didnt want to go home so late. Wells, i promise them i would bring them to a ice cream shop damn nice! Sorry Char and Vi! Well...thats about it for today, gonna study abit of Intro to Media, exam next week. See YA!

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