Thursday, April 26, 2012

Gloomy day started like any other day,met up with my friends and all and had school. We learnt alot of stuff like how to write a featured story and also we get to know more of our ICAs. I also signed up on more CCAs like floorball,soundcard and Student union (which i am  was forced to join by my OGL)
The gloomy period of the day begin after i ate lunch,as i went to my creative thinking skills class,i suddenly felt like sneezing all the time. I also begin to feel a little sick,not as in fever but u know,GLOOMY. This happens throughout the lesson. Worst still,i had to discuss in a discussion. I still feel like shit all the way home,but now i am feeling better. Today is not really very gloomy,because there is some good news like my friend Sarah who is back from a LOONNGGG MC and my friend Charlotte who is not infected with HFMD! YAY! Praise the lord! All right,back to some studying and later going to watch The Walking Dead :)

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