Sunday, April 29, 2012

An unhappy ending

Well...its the end of the week again. Its a suday today. Cant wait for school tomorrow :) The weekend was great but ended badly. On saturday, I did some homework in the morning before heading out to meet my friends in the afternoon. We watched battleship which is an amazing movie! The story wasnt that bad and the show is packed with action and alot of explosions! Why? Because it is directed by Michael Bay! After the movie,i went down for my cousins 18th birthday party! I tried some Hoegarden beer..not bad :) is sunday. Just went out for a family day at Orchard. However,it ended badly as my mom was sad because of just my dad not wanting to buying a vacuum cleaner...sometimes i just dont get women. However,i hope as time goes by,things will be settled. Anyways thats it for now...gonna watch the walking dead.

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