Thursday, March 7, 2013

An update of my life

HEYO! Sorry guys! Have been really LAAAZZZYYY to blog,hehe! Okay partly busy too...because EXAMS finally ended 2 week ago...? AND its the freaking holidays! WOOPPEE! Actually the holidays are great and all, but kinda boring. I do need a job soon though. Alright. Let me recall what BIG events that happened through the past week or so...

After exams have ended...i remember, me and my crew head out to AMK hub to go and hang out, play lan...yeah, our initial idea was to go to East Coast to Cycle, but ya know, after exams, all are tired. Oh wells, i was tired so, after Lan, i went off with DS, while SCV stayed on and they seem to have a good time after that.

I think the next day...YES! The next day, Sam,Char,Vi and me went out to Pasir Ris park and I tried cycling. On that day, i really tried and tried, never gave up, took Char, Sam and vi advises on how to cycle properly. I even saw a KID doing it. So, if a kid can cycle, I CAN CYCLE! HAHA! But... i didnt manage to ride the bicycle properly, due to the weather. The weather was like going crazy, raining and shit. So... we did not cycle long. After cycling, me and Sam went home while Char and Vi went on to the Course Chalet. Oh yeah, another cool story, Me and Sam went lost while finding a bus-stop home, and after walking around aimlessly awhile, we decided to take the MRT home instead. In the end we manage to find out which bus-stop as Vi led us to it while we were going home, after the chalet outing which i will get to it later.

Let me see...what else happened. Oh yeah! Last Monday, i went out to Bugis Shopping with Vi, Sam-ward and Sarah. Well, we shopped and shopped till we dropped. hehe! And...i FINALLY bought a singlet! HAHA! After which, we split off and i head over to Tampines to eat dinner with my Secondary School friends,Jorson, Joseph, Max,Sean, Neo and Chi Han. We were supposed to meet up on Friday to celebrate for me and Max birthday, but thanks to Chi Han, who needs to head back to Taiwan. HAHA just joking! But! It was a great night, able to catch up with these fuckers! Sometimes, i miss my secondary school days and my class with these guys :)

Hmm...whats next...OH YEAH! How can i forget the chalet with these awesome monsters, Sam, Char, Vi, Sarah and Howard! We stayed at the chalet to watch a few movies then we head out to eat at "Buddie Hoagies" i think? and it was a VERY good recommendation by Charlotte. The food is great and its reasonable. After that, we went out to play Lan and i played L4D2 with Sarah and Howard AND IT WAS FUNNY SHIT! HAHAHAH! Cant stop laughing after playing. Thanks to the glitches on the game! XD We head back to the chalet to play some cards and chatted awhile then BOOM! LA LA LAND! OHHH! WAIT! that isnt all for the chalet! I do remember that they celebrated for someone's awesome 18th birthday...OH right! It was MEEE! HAHA yeah guys! I had turned 18 like 6 days ago. They gave me a penny board! OMG i am so touched :)) ( Wanted to Post my pennyboard pic, but the Blogpost is being a douche) So..MOVING ON!

I think...another big outing that happened was my birthday. I celebrated with my family during my birthday. My family had taken care of me and raised me up through my 18 years of my life and they mean the world to me. I also do appreciate not only my family, but also, the good friends i had made whom bring me joy and happiness to me. I would also like to Thank god for guiding me and taking care of me too through my past 18 years! Amen.

ALL RIGHT! I guess this is about it! What happened to me the past 2 weeks or so! So..i am gonna sign off and ciao!! Take care everyone and hope you enjoyed reading :) (P.S sorry for no pics)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First day of school

Somehow or somewhat, i feel so dreaded to go to school today. Maybe because of the many celebrations from christmas and the new year. Had Yikki lesson and as usual, no one listens LOL and its so boring. Then MFM...ah..feel so dumb whenever she makes a question seems so simple but it looks so hard when i do it myself. Miss Wendy Wong also said some scores in order to get an A and today i realised how class participation is so important. So many work to be done now...alright time to go!

A new year!

HELLO everybody! Happy new year! A new year brings new opportunities! (HOPE SO) I did spend my last day in 2012 pretty great. I went out with my secondary school friends in the afternoon and it was raining SUPER HEAVY. I was freaking drenched when we all ran from one building to another in Orchard. Well..what we boys do when we hang out? WE GO LAN BABY! HAHAHA! We went to this Lan shop in Parklane, rather lucky though, because we were walking around trying to find a LAN shop that have available coms. We all played "Killing Floor"! A rather new zombie game for me! And it is like way harder than Left 4 Dead. After playing for hours, we ate dinner, then i am off to meet Sam and her friend, Celine to " the salvation Army" church for watchnite service. It was pretty awesome and i feel like this is god's plan. He wants me to move forward and amend all the mistakes i made in 2012. ( which is the topic for the church service, if i remembered). I have never been so religious throughout the year, i guess god wants to speak to me on this last day of the year. For me to think and reflect on what i did the whole year. In which i did! So...this is what i said to him, "Please forgive my sins and for those who sins against me lord" and "thank you lord for everything" was what i kept thinking throughout the night service. So... AMEN :D

Moving on....! It is the new year and i have some resolutions to make!
1) Be healthy and have a good state of mind as always
2) Be able to cherish all my friendships with my friends and also my family
3) Good studies
4) Get a GF ( IF CAN) hehehe
5) Learnt a new hobby

YUP!!! SO...thats about it! CHAO CHEE....hehehe kk! BYE!

                                          Happy new year to EVERYONE! :D

Saturday, December 15, 2012

What is poppin these days!

What's up! Sorry, have not been blogging much because of the busy ICAs. Oh wells! All these are temporarily over because...its the holidays! :D It is also gonna be the most beautiful time of the year! Christmas! Woohoo!

Another thing i have also kind of started on...a workout programme which i found out on Youtube. A total 90-day programme, where i would have to workout 5 days a week. Its called BeFit90! Best thing of all! It is totally FREE!

 I was surprised this morning when i realise it is going to be my third week doing this programme!  WOOT! I do feel change after 3 weeks, now i am left with 69 days more. HECK YEAH! In this 3 weeks, i do have some laziness and drawbacks, like no mood or something.
 But this quote pushes me on 

That is what i am going to achieve, a SUCCESS, and i am going to complete this 90-day workout routine! For all my readers, this quote, DOES not only concern to working out, it can be anything in life. Such as,  learning a new language, or achieving a higher score in your game, or you want to get good marks in your exams. Just as long you practice, work towards your goals, and BELIEVE in yourself, in that way, you can ACHIEVE. :)

All in all, in this holidays, besides working out and relaxing, i am also going to train in my studies too, EXAMS are like coming, and it is like after the Chinese New Year, SIGHS :(.

Alright that is all from me. Wish you all, happy holidays and a Merry Christmas :D

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Man in the mirror...

Recently, i have been listening to MJ (Michael Jackson) songs again. Respect to him man! The king of POP! R.I.P Michael Jackson. Anyways, the title of my blog post, Man in the Mirror is a title of one of his songs.
 It really is a touching video of how cruel the world can be. It shows the problems of the world, war,poverty,racial/religious disputes. The world isn't what it seems on papers....if only we all know the TRUTH. .If only, we all can really stop and take a look around us. If only, we can put aside all our differences and treat each other as one human race. If only, we can all stop making excuses and start doing things RIGHT.  All, i can say is a "if only". But all i know is..once the we all stop hating each other,we can all start to solve the conflicts, and the focus on helping the world's biggest problem, Poverty. 

Hence, my main message for this post is for everyone to really WAKE UP. Look around you! Let us all help put our hands together as ONE, and let's all make a difference,FOR....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Just be happy with yourself!

Well,today was rather a happy day! Not only because its Friday but because...actually i am not sure why today is such a happy day, must be the caffeine! Anyways! This week had been really tiring,not used to the class timings! :( Oh! Back to the topic! My blog post is to people out there who think they are not pretty or who are just not happy with themselves. Just take a look at this guy!
                                                                    Nick Vujicic
He is a true inspiration to me personally. I am not really a tall person nor a handsome guy. Of course, i do feel inferior and depressed at times when mine friends are like taller than me. I also do feel sad like WHY?! Why am i not tall, why am i not like this guy, why arent i this or that?!
However, on a different thought, let us all think! There are people that are worst off than us, people with no arms or no legs, or even people with disfigured faces. All they want is just being normal, being like US.         So! My main point is....
Yep! Nobody is perfect! And the most important thing is just be happy with the way you are! I love myself for being the way i am. So! Love yourselves too! :D I am going to end off with a few quotes which  is really meaningful to me as it really cheered me up whenever i am down. I hope it will cheer you up too! :)

Remember to love who you are BECAUSE YOU ARE UNIQUE :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What happened in September

What's up! I'm back and guess what! September is OVER! That's pretty fast,anyways,September is pretty enjoyable,and awesome as usual. Because I'm always awesome,HAHA kidding kidding

Here are some highlights in September

Hehe yep! It happened around the beginning of sept,what can I say,the cruise is great. 3 days of without parents and just chilling with my friend,it's great. We had lots of laughter and fun. We also celebrated Danish Bday on the cruise. Hehe,still cannot forget the word "Nikita" :) oh yeah and Charlotte laughter is pretty creepy at times heehee.

2. Actually,there isn't a number 2 or a 3,because the rest of the September is just either chilling out at home or hanging out with friends and I can't think of anything "highlight" in September,hmm...maybe Vivienne concert? Oh yeah,last week,I attended Vivienne concert with char and Sarah and, it was the first Chinese concert show I have ever seen. It was not bad actually. :) well,I guess now is the new month and 2 more weeks till school starts,let me enjoy the freedom while I still can :D AND that's all for me folks! Have a great October and I will posts another post as soon as possible :D