Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Man in the mirror...

Recently, i have been listening to MJ (Michael Jackson) songs again. Respect to him man! The king of POP! R.I.P Michael Jackson. Anyways, the title of my blog post, Man in the Mirror is a title of one of his songs.
 It really is a touching video of how cruel the world can be. It shows the problems of the world, war,poverty,racial/religious disputes. The world isn't what it seems on papers....if only we all know the TRUTH. .If only, we all can really stop and take a look around us. If only, we can put aside all our differences and treat each other as one human race. If only, we can all stop making excuses and start doing things RIGHT.  All, i can say is a "if only". But all i know is..once the we all stop hating each other,we can all start to solve the conflicts, and the focus on helping the world's biggest problem, Poverty. 

Hence, my main message for this post is for everyone to really WAKE UP. Look around you! Let us all help put our hands together as ONE, and let's all make a difference,FOR....

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