Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Man in the mirror...

Recently, i have been listening to MJ (Michael Jackson) songs again. Respect to him man! The king of POP! R.I.P Michael Jackson. Anyways, the title of my blog post, Man in the Mirror is a title of one of his songs.
 It really is a touching video of how cruel the world can be. It shows the problems of the world, war,poverty,racial/religious disputes. The world isn't what it seems on papers....if only we all know the TRUTH. .If only, we all can really stop and take a look around us. If only, we can put aside all our differences and treat each other as one human race. If only, we can all stop making excuses and start doing things RIGHT.  All, i can say is a "if only". But all i know is..once the we all stop hating each other,we can all start to solve the conflicts, and the focus on helping the world's biggest problem, Poverty. 

Hence, my main message for this post is for everyone to really WAKE UP. Look around you! Let us all help put our hands together as ONE, and let's all make a difference,FOR....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Just be happy with yourself!

Well,today was rather a happy day! Not only because its Friday but because...actually i am not sure why today is such a happy day, must be the caffeine! Anyways! This week had been really tiring,not used to the class timings! :( Oh! Back to the topic! My blog post is to people out there who think they are not pretty or who are just not happy with themselves. Just take a look at this guy!
                                                                    Nick Vujicic
He is a true inspiration to me personally. I am not really a tall person nor a handsome guy. Of course, i do feel inferior and depressed at times when mine friends are like taller than me. I also do feel sad like WHY?! Why am i not tall, why am i not like this guy, why arent i this or that?!
However, on a different thought, let us all think! There are people that are worst off than us, people with no arms or no legs, or even people with disfigured faces. All they want is just being normal, being like US.         So! My main point is....
Yep! Nobody is perfect! And the most important thing is just be happy with the way you are! I love myself for being the way i am. So! Love yourselves too! :D I am going to end off with a few quotes which  is really meaningful to me as it really cheered me up whenever i am down. I hope it will cheer you up too! :)

Remember to love who you are BECAUSE YOU ARE UNIQUE :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What happened in September

What's up! I'm back and guess what! September is OVER! That's pretty fast,anyways,September is pretty enjoyable,and awesome as usual. Because I'm always awesome,HAHA kidding kidding

Here are some highlights in September

Hehe yep! It happened around the beginning of sept,what can I say,the cruise is great. 3 days of without parents and just chilling with my friend,it's great. We had lots of laughter and fun. We also celebrated Danish Bday on the cruise. Hehe,still cannot forget the word "Nikita" :) oh yeah and Charlotte laughter is pretty creepy at times heehee.

2. Actually,there isn't a number 2 or a 3,because the rest of the September is just either chilling out at home or hanging out with friends and I can't think of anything "highlight" in September,hmm...maybe Vivienne concert? Oh yeah,last week,I attended Vivienne concert with char and Sarah and, it was the first Chinese concert show I have ever seen. It was not bad actually. :) well,I guess now is the new month and 2 more weeks till school starts,let me enjoy the freedom while I still can :D AND that's all for me folks! Have a great October and I will posts another post as soon as possible :D